Employed by a start-up business to set-up a company and deal with all financial matters of the business. A number of years on, with the fully outsourced service still being provided, that business now employs a significant number of permanent staff and provides services globally to a variety of blue-chip pharmaceutical companies.
Client – Empowering Strategic Performance Ltd

Provided an outsourced accounts function for a number of years with services including all processing, month end closures, payroll and annual budgeting. At the point of retirement we assisted the owner managers to achieve a sales multiple significantly greater than that first envisaged by the client.
Client – STS Plc

Initially employed to assist a restoration and construction company to produce accurate and timely monthly management information to satisfy its bankers. This led to being engaged to revamp the accounting function, introduce new controls, upgrade the accounting system and manage all aspects of the finance function. On initial engagement the revenue sat at £600k per annum and grew to circa £25m per annum at the point of service exit. During that time we assisted in the creation of a separate Guernsey based development group formed within a trust structure and provided the necessary financial accounting support.
Client – Stoneguard

Created a robust cash saving/generation plan that returned a failing US subsidiary business to a cash positive and ultimately profitable one. This included the use of weekly cash-flows, disposal of excess stock and assets, close management of key expenses and a limited downsizing process.
Client – Optelecom Europe